Photo and Video Credit: Emily/Elusive Photography, Amy True, many loving parents, Nick at Life in Focus, and Timothy Morris Photography who took the bulk of the All Stars Photos.
Falmouth Little League Softball
Photo and Credit: Elusive Photography, many loving parents, Nick at Life in Focus, and Timothy Morris Photography.

Photo and Video Credit: Emily/Elusive Photography, Amy True, many loving parents, Nick at Life in Focus, and Timothy Morris Photography who took the bulk of the All Stars Photos.
About the Divisions
Majors Softball
Majors Softball is for League Age 11 and 12. Players League age 10 might play Majors on occasion if there is an open roster spot, or if players are called up to fill absences.
Majors has pre-season practices, Skills and Drills, access to Pitchers Clinics with a professional coach, season practices, and more. There are 12 games scheduled, and a season-end tournament with D6 North.
Majors Softball rules are not modified or phased in any way. We play straight from the Little League Majors softball rules.
There is a Majors level All Stars Team playing in June. Please visit the All Stars page to learn more about that!
Minors (AAA) Softball
Minors Softball (also called AAA in Baseball and in some other local Leagues) is the middle age Division, and the first Player pitch opportunity. This Division is for League Age 9 and 10, with some age 8 players depending on skill and experience, and the need of the Minors teams.
Modified Player Pitch begins with players pitching (everyone has the opportunity unless they opt-out), and will sometimes include coaches stepping in to pitch in lieu of walking the batter.
This Division plays a catcher, and introduces stealing the bases and stealing home throughout the season. This season ends in a D6 tournament.
Rules for Minors/AAA Softball are currently phased. This has been the subject of incredible thought as we're trying to raise the level of play in Falmouth and District 6. The beginning of the season will introduce the game, and will provide opportunities for everyone to learn and try new positions. As the season progresses, new rules are added with plenty of time for coaches to teach the rules at practices. This allows for broader understanding and better access to the game among players of different skill. By the end of the season, the game is played at full All Stars rules. This is a great opportunity for older and more advanced players, it allows everyone to shine where they play the best, raises competitiveness, and teaches players to consider the good of the team.
Minors Softball has pre-season practices and league-wide Skills and Drills sessions. Players this age also have access to Pitchers Clinics with professional coaches. Throughout the season, there are team practices and weekly all-teams practices on a designated week day. These practices aren't mandatory, but are highly encouraged and might affect play towards the end of the season.
Teams will have 12 scheduled games, or roughly 2 per week. Games are about equally travel/home games, and include teams across the District. We understand that it isn't ideal to travel, but it's necessary to be able to get our games in (unless any of you know of a benefactor willing to donate us an extra field or some lights!).
There is a Minors level All Stars Team playing in June. Please visit the All Stars page to learn more about that!
AA Softball
AA Softball is the youngest, most introductory age of softball currently offered at Falmouth Little League. It is for players League Age 6, 7, and 8. The AA Division is a Coach pitch league that includes underhanded coach pitches, and focuses on teaching players to hit and field.
Players will progress to new rules throughout the season. They will start with no base-outs, and no strike outs, but learn about and integrate strikes, base outs, and more as the season progresses.
AA Softball does have pre-season, league-wide Skills and Drills sessions, but not practices. Generally, team practices are held for the first half hour of each "game."
There are generally two AA Softball games per week, and most are played at Falmouth fields. Because Softball is a traveling sport, and it's super fun for players to play new teams, we will schedule at least one travel game per team towards the end of the season.
Players who are in kindergarten and younger should sign up for Tee Ball in the Falmouth Little League Baseball program.

Additional Information
Softball Spirit, Gear, and more. . .
Softball is an incredible sport with a fantastic community! The Softball family is a great one, so we're excited to have you! From AA all the way through high school and college, softball games are incredibly exciting, create an enormous sense of pride in our players, and give parents an amazing experience as they watch their players soar to levels they might not have ever thought they'd reach. How fun! As you register your player for Falmouth Softball, we hope that you volunteer with the team, in the snack shack, and come to observe Skills and Drills and other clinics and practices. We also hope that you come support other teams! Watch the teams one Division up from your player, visit High School Softball games, or join us at D6 Softball Day with USM at Gorham!
Gear is important, and it's expensive. There is a lot of gear that a player needs, but much of it is either provided by Little League, or is available at Gear Swaps, or second hand stores. Here's a list with more information:
Glove - please provide an appropriately sized glove for your player. In AAA and above, T-Ball gloves are not suitable.
Softball Pants - Softball pants are required for all Softball Divisions. Players may not play in shorts. For Majors and Minors teams, please wait to buy pants until your coach has let you know about the uniform color.
Cleats - AA Softball does not need cleats, but they are recommended. Majors and Minors Softball requires cleats. Softball cleats are available, but mostly online. You can usually find LAX or Soccer cleats in store. Please do not purchase metal cleats (even if your child has big enough feet) as those are not permitted in Little League Rules.
Face/Fielder's Mask - All Softball Divisions require a Face/Fielder's Mask in the infield. These are considered PPE and should be purchased by families and labeled. FLL team bags do have Face Masks available, but they are shared. If your child cannot keep the mask out of their mouth, if you are concerned about the sanitation, lice, or other things, you should purchase one for your child. There is a full aisle of them at Dick's and there are always plenty available.
Helmet - Helmets are required for all batters, and helmets must have a full face cage. There are plenty of helmets provided in team bags, but they are shared. If you are concerned about lice, or if your player's head is very small or very large, you might want to purchase your own.
Bat - Bats are necessary, but the team bag provides bats for players to use. You're welcome to buy a bat, but don't need to. If you purchase a bat, it needs to be USA Bat Approved.
Batting Gloves - Batting gloves are not required, but players tend to like them.
Sliding Shorts - for Majors and Minors players, Sliding Shorts are recommended but not required. They're especially recommended with white pants.