Falmouth Maine Little League
Volunteer opportunities for families
Volunteer Commitment
Falmouth Little League requires that each family that registers a child to play, volunteer at least 2 hours of time during the season. Volunteer opportunities are plentiful, like by running the snack shack, coaching, umpiring, serving as a team parent, field day maintenance work, board membership, and more. You'll be able to volunteer at Registration, or you may reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator using the link below.
If you're interesting in coaching but you are not an adult registering a child (maybe you're an aunt or uncle, a non-registering parent, or an older sibling), please visit the Registration page and follow the link to sign up under the "Registration -> Coach and Volunteer Opportunities" drop down.
If you are unable to or didn't get a coaching spot, the most popular ways to volunteer are to assist with Field Prep, to join the Umpiring Program (umpiring is totally fun, and you get a cool perspective to watch the game), or by running the Snack Shack. Often families worry that the Snack Shack is too difficult, takes too much time, and families worry that they can't do it while also having other kids. We can assure you that running the Snack Shack is often the highlight of a kid's week, and often the adults too! I mean, don't we all love selling treats to a bunch of excited kids?
If you're going to be volunteering for the Snack Shack at any point during the season, please sign up at the registration link as well under the "Registration -> Coach and Volunteer Opportunities" drop down.
Field Prep
This is actually back breaking field maintenance, but you get the drift.
The best view of the game is as an umpire!